"A book has but one voice, but it does not instruct everyone alike." - Thomas Kempis

Friday, January 28, 2011

Individual Technology Assessment

1.  As an educator, what are your present strengths and weaknesses in technology?

           I believe that my strengths with technology are pretty basic.  I can navigate a computer and the components.  I can cruise the Internet with ease.  My software strengths are word and power point.  I can also use many tools available online such as social networks, blogs, and search engines.

          My weaknesses include excel spreadsheet.  I have trouble navigating a database.  When I am given a topic, I have such a hard time sorting through which one to use, what to put in for my search, and how to find what I need.  Other than that, there aren't many things I don't play with or try to use for myself or in the classroom.

2.  How do you plan to use your strengths?

          I am using my strengths now for this degree.  I use much of this technology to keep organized, disaggregate data, and for a lot of my communication purposes.  I use a website to communicate with parents and students outside of the classroom.  I use the various pieces of equipment in my classroom for almost every lesson.  I have the kids use it to research a variety of topics all of the time.  I also set up tutorials for my students to get a lesson on better search techniques in the library. 

3.  How do you plan to address the weaknesses?
           I think addressing my weaknesses boil down to taking time out and allowing myself to become more familiar with them.  I have even used online tutorials to help me with things like access and excel.  I also ask questions!  I read a lot and I am constantly taking more and more continuing education to keep up with what is going on around me. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erin,

    I was looking at classmates' blogs, and I came across yours. I totally share your frustration with navigating databases. I get lost too. However, given enough time, we'll become experts, right? Cute design!
