"A book has but one voice, but it does not instruct everyone alike." - Thomas Kempis

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Job of Organizing Information

1.  What are the implications for librarians, if everyone is able to organize information?
                I think that if everyone were able to organize information then it makes all other jobs possible.  The idea of organization is to create an environment where things can be found quickly and are available for easy access.  If the librarian is organized and others are also organized then there can be an effective flow of information between everyone.  There would not be endless searches for information, confusion about content, and there would be less time spent performing tasks.  This helps utilize the available resources in a more efficient manner and makes things go much more quickly.

2.  Would your tags in Diigo be helpful to others?

My tags in Diigo were created to make an easy link or search term for others searching for information.  I am not sure if I created the best tag term.  However, I believe that if the tag terms relate to the content appropriately then they should be effective for others.  I also feel that by having the tags available, I was able to find other posts that were under the same topic as mine.  I was also able to find groups of people that were creating the same assignment as I was by using these tags.  Tagging helps pool all of the available information over a particular subject in one place for a very easy search.  Tagging is certainly a time saver.  If I am searching for videos, I can plug this search term in at one location.  If anyone has a tag where there is a video, all of these resources show up at once.  This was my first tag experience and it was great! 

1 comment:

  1. I don't about you, but I found the Diigo assignment one of the more challenging ones. I can understand what the tags are used for, I'm just not sure I really understand how to incorporate them into my everyday life. I had never heard of this tool before this class, so maybe it just takes a lot of practice....or maybe I'm just challenged :)
