"A book has but one voice, but it does not instruct everyone alike." - Thomas Kempis

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Conclusion and Self Assessment

1.  Has your assessment changed?  If so, how?

            My assessment has certainly changed.  In the beginning, I was very unsure about many of the tools that are available online and also how to use them.  I feel very strong about how to find new tools to meet my needs as well as the student’s needs.  Many of the technology labs that I have created for this class have forced me to really pay attention to the details of my creations and how to manipulate them accordingly. 

 2.  How do you plan to keep up with new innovations in technology once you have completed your classes at UNT?

            Throughout this course, I have had to figure out how to use these tools the way they were intended.  I have looked up directions on e-How and viewed many YouTube videos to help me learn.  I have a social bookmarking website now so I can keep up with all of the tools that I have discovered.  I think it is also good to continue the search for new tools available because they are created every day. 
 3.  What specific plans do you have for implementing technology in an educational setting as a result of what you have learned in 5720?

            I created a personal space with various tools and gadgets.  I made sure that it could be pulled up through the network in my district.  I really think that this is a great place to start implementing these great tools for the students.  I am already having my students creating their personal space.  Once they have added their personal gadgets, I will have them all set up class gadgets like Google docs and slide share.  Then we will learn how to use those together and add more as we go! 


  1. Erin,
    I think we all started a little unsure, and have come a long way. I am anxious to get started with my students, but have found I need to make adjustments to a lot of what we do in class for my second graders and some of it hasn't been "there" for this age group at all. I am glad you are already putting this new learning to use with your students!

  2. I see what you mean. I teach middle school so they are pretty savvy to much of what we do. It is exciting though!
